In this module we’ll answer the below questions: 

How Do I Control Whether My Content is Visible to the Public?

Drupal uses a moderation workflow to allow Drupal users to transition content from one visibility state to another, for new content and/or changes to existing content, from private (Draft) to public (Published).

The main states you'll work with are: Draft, In Review, Published, and Archived

Learn More About Workflow States →

How Do I Get My New Webpage Placed in the Correct Location within the Site?

We use menus to incorporate your new content into the information architecture of the site. This process also generates the path, or URL, of your content.

Only Site Managers and Content Moderators are able to change the placement of a page. If you're submitting content for review, use the Revision Log Message to request the location of your content.

Learn how to place a content in the Menu →

What's the Process for Publishing my Content?

All content in the In Review state gets sent to a moderation queue where they are reviewed by content moderators. If the content moderators have any questions about your content, they’ll reach out to you for clarification and/or additional edits. If there aren’t any questions, they’ll update the content from ‘In Review’ to ‘Published’ so the updates are publicly visible. 

The content moderators review content daily. Generally, within 1-2 business days your edits should be public if there aren’t any questions. Content is not reviewed on the weekends or after hours.  

Learn how to review and approve Content pending Moderation →

Working with Groups

The review and publishing process for Groups is handled internally within each Group. 

At least one person within your Group has the Moderator role and can publish content. If you are unsure who is a Moderator within your Group, please submit a Help Desk ticket and we will provide that information to you.

If you have the Moderator role, you can publish your own content. Those within your Group who do not have the moderator role won’t be able to publish their webpage edits or additions so you will need to review their contents In Review.

For more information, refer to Group Content Moderation →

Optional Reading: Additional Information

If interested, we recommend taking a look at the following articles to learn more about:

← 5. Accessibility
7. Requesting Help →