Please Note:
The "Add Existing Content" tool is intended to move pages, images, documents, and other content created elsewhere into a group environment, where it is owned and exclusive to that group. It is not intended as a way for content to be shared across our Drupal instance.

Moving content and media in this way can impact access to this conten for users outside your group.

  1. Once you are in the backend of your center, go to the Media tab for Images and Content for 
  2. In the Content or Media tabs, search for the title of the content or media
    1. If you find it, there is nothing more to do
    2. If you do not find it, then you need to relate it to your center
  3. Relating
    1. If it is content, go to the "Content" Tab, and if it is media go to the "Media" tab
    2. For Content
      1. Click on the "Add Existing Content" button
      2. Click on the type of content it is(Article, Event, Media Mention, Page, Publication, External Authors, Partner Organization or Article Contributor)
      3. Search for the Title of the content
      4. When you find it, click on the link in the search box 
      5. Click save
    3. For Media
      1. Click on the "Relate Media" button
      2. Click on the type of media it is(Audio, Background Image, Document, Image or Video)
      3. Search for the Title of the media
      4. When you find it, click on the link in the search box 
      5. Click save