This content type is meant to feature academic publications produced by researchers, including books, reports, white papers, and more.

A couple of things to note before starting:

  1. There is only a list view of publications. There are no individual publication pages or links available to individual publications. See this page for an example of how publications are displayed.
  2. The preview of publications does not accurately reflect how they will appear in the list. We do plan to address this in the future. For now, publish and review your content in the publications list.

Please Note
News Articles or Media Mentions are not meant to be added here. Instead use the Article or Media Mention content type.

Most of these fields will be familiar or can be navigated on your own. These include:

  • Title
  • Department / Center Affiliations - Start typing the name of the center and then select from the dropdown. 
    • Currently, only Centers and Institutes are available in this field. Department support is coming soon.
  • Authors - Start typing the name of the faculty and then select from the dropdown.
    • If the author you're looking for is not a BSPH faculty, you must add them as an External Author.
  • URL - This must be an external URL such as
  • Summary - description or abstract
  • Related Content - Additional links related to the content, such as web pages or PDFs (Preferably as a list). 
  • Image - Usually, an image of the front page of the publication. Recommended dimension: 425x550.
  • Topics - You can select up to 5 topics from our pre-defined list of topics.
  • Tags - You can select up to 5 keywords or enter your own.

Additional options include:

  • Publish Date
  • Name of Journal/Publication
  • Volume Number
  • Part or Issue Number
  • Page Numbers
  • Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

Create a Publication

  1. From the Main Menu
  2. Select: Content > Add content > Publication
    1. Similarly, see, Content > Add content > External Author

For Groups

  1. From your Group's Content list
  2. Select Add New Content button
  3. Select Publication
    1. Also, add External Author similarly

Save and Publish Changes

  1. Publish through your normal workflow

If you can't find what you're looking for, please submit a ticket.