Limited to users with "Restricted Editor" or group editors roles.
Jun 11, 2024 Update: Now available for Group Content.
This feature is only available on pages that have not been published, and once it is published, you can't use the Temporary Unpublished Access link.
It is sometimes necessary to share content that has not been published with people who do not have accounts within our Drupal environment. Doing this is possible using unpublished access tokens, special links created for a specific page.
To generate a token link, look on the right sidebar of the content edit screen:
- Select and copy an available active token or
- Select a reasonable lifetime for your new token and click "Generate" to create one
- Share the link with anyone needing to see the unpublished page.
A few things to note:
- This tool is only visible if an available draft can be shared.
- Similarly, if a draft version is unavailable, the token URL does not work but returns 403 errors instead.
- The existing links will work again if a new draft is available and the token hasn't expired.
- The version displayed with this token link should always be the most recent draft. Disregard the "Latest Version" tab at the top.