This guide requires a user with Form Manager or Restricted Editor role with Individual form access. If you don't have access to Forms, you will not be able to make the necessary changes.


On the form, you have the ability to create three types of container elements, which can hold other elements. You can use a table, fieldset, and a container. Fieldsets and containers require little to no customization and can be used by all userstables however have a more complex initial configuration and should only be used by Intermediate and Advanced users.

Container & Fieldset

These two elements hold the elements within them  and are almost identical, except that Fieldsets have a title above and Containers do not.

  1. Once you are in your form's build tab, click the Add Element.
  2. Search for Container or Fieldset
  3. Give it a Title
  4. Save your container element

Now you can add form elements to your Container or Fieldset.

  1. Click Add Element at the top of your container element, these will be children of the container 
  2. Search for the element that you want to add
  3. Configure it, you configure the child element the same way you do if you do for the parent elements.
  4. Save it   


This container is more complicated because it is a 3 step process.

  1. Configure the table
  2. Add the rows
  3. Add and configure each cell in the row

When you use the table container, be aware of how many columns.  If you add too many rows, it can make it hard for users to navigate.

Table configuration

  1. Once you are in your form's build tab
  2. Click the Add Element
  3. Search for Table
  4. Click Add Element
  5. Give it a Title
  6. In the Table Settings section, in the Table Headings, add your rows. 
  7. Give each heading a title, be careful because you do not want to have too many columns. If you have too many, the table could be hard to read.
  8. Save the Table

Add a Row

This will set up the rows in the table, be sure that you only add rows needed.

  1. Go to your table, and click on the button to add a row
  2. Give your row a Title

  3. Once you give the Row a Title, add the elements to it.
  4. Save the Row, only add the first row and it's elements initially. Once created, you can then add additional rows. Any subsequent rows will be a copy of the First Row(including Elements).

Element/Cell configuration

The elements get added to a row, and if your header has 5 columns you need to add 5 elements to a row. You will probably only use a text field, file upload, checkbox, or accordion in this, the other elements may be too big to use in this type of container. 

  1. In the row, click on the Add Element button
  2. Select the type of element you want to use
  3. Configure the element
  4. Save the element
  5. Repeat so that you have the same number of fields as you have header columns.

For every row that you want you will need to repeat the steps for row and element.