This guide requires a user with Form Manager or Restricted Editor role with Individual form access. If you don't have access to Forms, you will not be able to make the necessary changes.



Learn how to work with the different elements listed below by viewing our examples:

Basic Elements

Checkbox - A single checkbox element. 

Hidden - A hidden element that users are not able to see.

Textarea - A large input area where users can type their responses.

Text Field - A single-line input that is used to gather short response information.

Advanced Elements

Captcha * - Used to prevent spam and ensure that the form is being filled out by a person.

Email - An input used to gather an email address.

Email Confirm * - Provides 2 email input elements, and asks the person to confirm their email.

Email multiple - Allows users to input multiple email addresses as long as commas separate them.

Number - Provides a form element for numeric input, with special numeric validation.

Telephone - Allows users to input a phone number, which can be validated.

URL - Field used to input a URL.

Composite Elements

Basic Address * - Component for an address, where everything is already set up, contains:

  • Address
  • Address 2
  • City
  • State/Province
  • Zip/Postal Code
  • Country. 

Country and State can be set up to use pre-configured dropdowns or a textbox, and with this component, you can't add additional elements. You can hide an element if you do not wish to use this item.  

Advanced Address * - Unlike the basic address, you can add a name, company, and some additional address elements. Contains:

  • First Name
  • Middle Name
  • Last Name
  • Company, Address line 1
  • Address line 2
  • Postal Code
  • Sorting Code
  • Dependent Locality(E.G Neighborhood)
  • Locality(e.g. City)
  • Administrative area(e.g. State or Province).

You are unable to configure the sub-elements, but you can hide an element if you do not wish to use this item.  

Contact * - Provides a form element to collect contact information (name, basic address, phone, email).

Custom Composite ** - Provides a form element to create custom composites using a grid/table layout.

Name * - Provides a form element to collect a person's full name, title, suffix, and degrees.

Telephone Advanced * - Provides a form element to display a telephone number with type and extension.  

Markup Elements

Advanced HTML/Text - Provides a WYSIWYG element to render advanced HTML markup and processed text.

Basic HTML - Provides a WYSIWYG element to render basic HTML markup and processed text.

Horizontal rule - Provides a Horizontal Rule element.

Message* - Provides an element to render custom, dismissible, inline status messages. Types: Status, Error, Warning, and Info.  

Option Elements

Checkboxes * - Provides a group of Checkboxes.

Checkboxes other * - Provides a group of Checkboxes and allows users to enter a custom value.

Radios * - Provides a group of radio elements.

Radios other * - Provides a group of radio elements and allows users to enter a custom value.

Select * - Provides a dropdown list.

Select other * - Provides a dropdown list and allows users to enter a custom value.


Container - Provides a container element, that you can add sub-elements into. This does not display a title for the container.

Fieldset - Provides a container element, that you can add sub-elements into. This will display the title for the Fieldset.

Table* - Creates a table for you to add your elements to each cell.  

Date/Time Elements

Date - Provides a form element for date selection, using a calendar popup date selector.

Date/time - Provides a form element for date & time popup selection.

File Upload Elements

Document file * - File upload for PDFs and Word docs only.

File * - File upload for any type file.

Image file * - File upload for image files.


Submit button(s) * - Allows you to customize the submit button.

* This is an Intermediate element, as it may require light configuration.

** This is an Advanced element, as it requires more complex configurations. Please submit a ticket to the Web Team for assistance if you wish to use this.