This guide requires a user with at least a Form Manager role. If you don't have access to Forms, you can't make the necessary changes.


A form is only accessible to Form Managers until they grant a user access to it.

If you give someone access to a form, you will need to send them a direct link to the Build or to the Results page for them to be able to make edits. To access the form or submissions, they must currently be logged in. There are two ways that you can give someone the ability to manage the form:

  • Administer Webforms (includes form Building and Submissions) 
  • Submissions only. 

Go to Structure → Webforms → Forms → name of form ] → Settings → Access.

Submissions only

  1. Go to these sections (one by one) and in the User field for each section, search for the user that you are giving access to.
    The user must have a Drupal account to be given access to a form. If they do not, they need to Create an account by contacting the Web Team.
    • Create Submissions
    • View Submissions
    • Update Any Submissions
    • Delete any Submissions
    • Purge Any Submissions
    • View Own Submissions
    • Update Own Submissions
    • Delete Own Submissions
  2. Save the page
  3. Send the person to the Results page link, and remind them to be logged in.

The user will then be able to access the results of the form.

Trying to grant access to multiple users?
The user selection field allows you to enter multiple user names by separating them with commas, e.g. jsmith (101), msmith (202).

Administer Webforms

  1. If this person already has Submissions only access, you will need to remove them from this form. Go into each User field and remove them.

  2. Then go to these sections (one by one) and in the User field for each section, search for the user that you are giving access to.
    The user must have a Drupal account to be given access to a form. If they do not, they need to Create an account by contacting the Web Team.
    • Administer Webform & Submissions (this contains submissions only access plus more)
    • Test Webform
    • Access Webform Configuration
  3. Save the page
  4. Send the person to the Results page link, and remind them to be logged in.

The user will now be able to build out the form as well as access the results. For help building out the form, they can read the article on adding new elements.