Articles can be displayed in the Headlines sections of the site for prominent display as long as they meet all requirements. The process will change depending on where you want to feature it, the School-level Headlines (controlled by the Office of External Affairs' Communications and Marketing team) or the Department Headlines (controlled by the department).

In this guide:


To be featured in Headlines, please be sure to review: 

  • Article Guidelines - Whether it is a standard (in-house) or external article, be sure to follow the appropriate guidelines for each whether it is at the School-level or for a Department.
  • Description -  No longer than 160 characters.
  • Featured Image - Landscape, 1260 × 630 pixels. Keep in mind that this image will be automatically cropped to a ~1:1 ratio in the headlines grid.

Department Headlines

Department Articles can be featured in the Department’s Headlines in one of two ways:

Automatic Department Headlines

Some departments are set to automatically pull department articles that are set to Global. In those cases, please follow the steps below to feature your article.

  1. Make sure you are logged in.

  2. Find the article to be featured and select Edit.

  3. Make sure the Department field has the department(s) associated.

  4. Make sure the Is Global field is checked.

  5. When done, update the status to “In Review” and Save

  6. Our team will review the changes as soon as possible and advise you if any changes are needed or will otherwise proceed to publish it.

Manually Curated Department Headlines

Some departments are configured with manual curation of their headlines. In those cases, please follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you are logged in.

  2. Find the department homepage and select Edit.

  3. Scroll down to the Page Components area.

  4. Look for the Headlines Grid component, which should be the first one and select Edit.

  5. Click on the Referenced Articles tab

  6. Remove one of the existing featured articles

  7. Click on Select Articles, this will prompt you to search for the article you wish to feature

  8. Once you can see the three featured articles, click on Preview at the bottom of the screen to make sure everything is looking as expected.

  9. When done, update the status to “In Review” and Save

  10. Our team will review the changes as soon as possible and advise you if any changes are needed or will otherwise proceed to publish it.

School-level Headlines (Administrators Only)

Articles can be featured in the school Headlines in two places:

Homepage Headlines

  1. Make sure you are logged in as an Administrator.

  2. Find the homepage and select Edit.

  3. Scroll down to the Page Components area.

  4. Look for the Headlines Grid component and select Edit.

  5. Click on the Referenced Articles tab

  6. Remove one of the existing featured articles

  7. Click on Select Articles, this will prompt you to search for the article you wish to feature

  8. Once you can see the three featured articles, click on Preview at the bottom of the screen to make sure everything is looking as expected.

  9. When done, proceed to publish it.

Headlines Page

  1. Make sure you are logged in as an Administrator.

  2. Navigate to Manage > Structure > Entityqueues.

  3. Find the Global Headlines and select Edit Items.

  4. Use the search box at the bottom of the screen to type part of the name of the article you want to add and once you find it, select it, and click Add Item.

  5. Use the arrow icon on the left hand side to drag the item to the order you prefer.

  6. Click Save before you leave and

  7. Go to the Headlines page to make sure your article is now in the headlines.

Why is the latest Article not appearing in Department's News Feed or Headlines?

  • Publish Date NOT Set
    This is the most common cause as the field (located at the bottom) can be easy to miss. Ensure a Publish Date has been set so that the article can be recognized as recent.

  • Department NOT Associated
    Make sure the Article's Department field lists the Department where you'd like to display it.

  • Article Type NOT set to Department News
    Make sure the Article Type field is set to Department News.

  • News Feed is Manual
    If your news feed is manual