External Articles are created in order to “pull in” articles from external sources. They are created very similarly to standard (in-house) articles produced in-house, but only contain key details about the source article, not the content itself.
In this guide:
Information Needed
External articles require the following information:
The title of the article should be copied exactly as the original as we are only creating a reference to the source material.
Short Description
The Short description can be the article’s abstract as found in the original source but it can also be customized to help introduce why the article is relevant to the school.
Featured Image (optional)
If the article makes use of a featured image, this can also be added to the Article as long as it meets the specifications, see below. You will need to download the image from the source article first so you can upload it to the article. If you intend to feature the article in the headlines, this field is required.
Publication Date
The publication date should be the article’s publication date as found in the original source.
Source Name and URL
Because these articles are coming from an external source, it’s essential that we know the name of the source as well as the URL that points to the original article.
Creating an External Article
Make sure you are logged in.
Create a new article by navigating to Manage > Content > Add Content > Article
Enter the article information as follows:
Headline - Copy the Title from the article. Recommended length: 72 characters; maximum length: 96 characters.
Short Description - Copy the Short Description or Abstract of the article. Recommended length: 60 – 200 characters.
Topics - Topics should be selected from the list if applicable.
Department - Begin typing the name of the department(s) associated and select it from the dropdown menu once prompted.
Article Type - Select “External” as the article type.
Article Contributor - Name of the person who wrote the original article. Because this relies on Drupal Users. It will only be available for contributors that are already in the system. If the person is not in our system, leave this field empty.
Visual Contributor - Name of the person who created the featured image, if available in the source article.
External URL - Copy the Source article’s URL here. This is the page users will see when they click on this article.
Source - Enter the name of the article’s publication site, e.g., The New York Times.
Featured Image - These will only be used if the article is featured in the Headlines. Upload the Featured Image obtained from the article after having downloaded it to your device.
Image will be displayed in 400x360 pixels
You’re required to add the source in the name of the image so that these can be easily identified if needed, e.g., my-image-thehub.jpg , my-image-jhsphsmagazine.jpg .
You’re responsible for making sure you have the permission to use the image on our website.
An image is required for articles to be surfaced in the School-level or Department Headlines, learn more on our Featured Articles page.
Publish Date - Copy the Publication Date from the article.
Additional Fields
SEO Headline - Should be automatically filled in with the Title from the article.
Is Global - Please defer from using this option unless you’re featuring an article in a Department’s Headlines.
Previewing is recommended in order to make sure the information entered is correct; however, the page previewed will NOT be accessible to anyone who does not have a Drupal login as they will be simply redirected to the actual article.
When done, update the status to “In Review” and Save
Our team will review the article as soon as possible and advise you if any changes are needed or will otherwise proceed to publish it.
For Departments
Departments can follow the same steps as listed above with additional attention to the following fields:
Department - This field is required if you’re creating an article for a Department so it can be associated with it.
Article Type - Please note that even though it is an article for Departments, you need to select the article type “External” so that the Source URL works correctly.
Article from Public Health Magazine
Let’s say we want to bring the article The Rise of Invasive Fungi published in the Public Health Magazine as an article in the main News section of the site. We’d copy the following information:
Article Fields | Sample Value |
Headline | The Rise of Invasive Fungi |
Short Description | With no vaccines and few treatments, deadly fungal infections are a mounting public health threat. |
Department | -- |
Is Global | Selected |
Article Type | External |
Article Contributor | Carrie Wick |
Visual Contributor | Chris Hartlove |
External URL | |
Source | Public Health Magazine |
Featured Image | Downloaded and Uploaded |
Publish Date | 10/04/2021 |
Department Article from the JHU Engineering Magazine to be featured by EHE
Let’s say we want to bring the article Getting the Drop on Better Health published in the JHU Engineering Magazine as an article under the Environmental Health and Engineering Department news. We’d copy the following information:
Article Fields | Sample Value |
Headline | Getting the Drop on Better Health |
Short Description | Through his many advances in microfluidics, Jeff Wang is making it quicker, easier, and cheaper for clinicians to identify infectious pathogens and diagnose diseases earlier. |
Department | Environmental Health and Engineering |
Is Global | Selected |
Article Type | External |
Article Contributor | David Glenn |
Visual Contributor | Will Kirk |
External URL | https://engineering.jhu.edu/magazine/2021/06/getting-the-drop-on-better-health/ |
Source | The Hub |
Featured Image | Downloaded and Uploaded |
Publish Date | 06/16/2021 |