We know you want your event webpage to stand out. This guide provides a recommended structure and the steps needed to create it, ensuring your event looks its best!

If you haven't already reviewed the training on the Event Content Type, please do so before proceeding. 

Additionally, the below two articles provide additional guidance on using the two components referenced throughout this article.

* Component: Profile List
* Component: Text

The Objective

Take a look at the screenshot below to see the final product. The structure you'll see is made up of 5 main elements, a featured image, a description of the event, the speakers, the agenda, and the registration information. These elements are not required so feel free to create only the ones you need.

1. Featured Image

While not essential, a featured image can go a long way in making your event stand out. Work with your team's Communications Associate to help source, or recommend, a high-quality image that represents the subject matter of your event. We also provide guidance in one of our Help Desk articles on finding images

The recommended size for the image is 2400 × 1445 px (~16:9 ratio). Learn how to add the image into the Featured Image field in our Help Desk article.

Avoid any images with text in them. All related information should be part of the event content.

Use the Social Image field if you'd like to add an image specifically for social networks. Otherwise the Featured Image will be used by default. 

2. Description of Event

Within the Main Content Area, and using the Text component, create an 'About the Event' section, providing your audience with an overview describing your event. It should be at least 1 - 2 paragraphs. To create this:

  1. Go to the Main Content Area and click the Edit button for the Text component, to open up the pre-loaded Text component if it's not already open.

  2. Type the heading "About the Event" within the Text Component. Select that heading text and change its paragraph format within the Paragraph dropdown to Heading 2

  3. Below the "About the Event" header, add the first paragraph of your event description. Select that paragraph text and change its style format within the Styles dropdown to Intro Text. The Intro Text style shows in a larger font. You can use the Intro Text not only as a way to introduce your event but also as a way to hook your audience and get the reader's attention.

  4. Add any additional paragraphs for your About the Event section below the intro paragraph in the Text component. This can stay in the normal/default paragraph format.

3. Speakers Information

Add in one or multiple speakers by using the Profile List component

4. Agenda Information

If you added in Speakers, add in another Text component below the Profile List component. You can then make available the event agenda by creating an unordered list within the new Text component. If you didn't add in Speaker information using the Profile List Component, you can add the agenda information to the same Text Component that is housing the About the Event information above. 

  1. Type the heading "Agenda" and change its paragraph format to Heading 2

  2. Click the Bulleted List icon to begin creating each item in your agenda. Please see the Days, Dates, Times section of our Editorial Style Guide for formatting of times:
    1. Enter the time in bold
    2. Followed by a hyphen and the description of the item in the agenda

      e.g., 8 a.m. - Introduction

If you'd prefer to include your agenda in an accordion, like in the example image above, instead of a bulleted list, you can add the Accordion component instead of the Text component.

5. Registration Information

Within the same text component you added the agenda information above (or a new Text Component if you went the accordion component route), you can add in the event registration information. Registration information makes it easier for your audience to find out how to register for your event by providing the information for how to connect with you to obtain it or by providing a link for them to register.

  1. Type the heading "Registration" and change its paragraph format to Heading 2

  2. Provide any additional information needed, or requirements, to access the event.

  3. If applicable, to make a Register button, type the word "Register" and make it a link to the registration page. Within the link dropdown you can toggle on the button option.

Reminder: Given the Schoolwide Events Calendar is public, webinars should be set up to require registration, password protected links, and other recommended Zoom security safeguards. Zoom’s support site has helpful guides and best practices.