- Pageviews: Represents an HTML file being loaded in a Web browser. Multiple views of the same Web page are counted in this metric.
- Unique Pageviews: Represents the number of Visits during which the specified page, or group of pages, was viewed at least once. Multiple views of the same page and page refreshes are not included in this metric.
- Average Time on Page: Represents the average amount of time, in seconds, a Visitor spends on a particular page.
- Entrances: Represents the number of Visits that started on a specific Web page or group of Web pages.
- Bounce Rate: The Bounce Rate represents the percentage of single-page Visits. (Total Bounces divided by total Visits)
- Bounce: A bounce represents a Visit with only one Pageview. Some Bounces occur because Visitors enter the site on the page that provided the content they want. However, you want to limit Bounces from pages that are meant only to direct Visitors to other pages on the website.
Exits: Represents
the number of Visits that ended on a specific Web page or group of Web pages.
You want to limit Exits on pages that are meant only to direct Visitors to
other pages on the website.
Please review our FAQs for additional information on how to request an analytics report and what makes a 'good metric'.